

Accurate Surveys - Understanding through Questions

I want to: Uses:
  • The Universal Hierarchy of Motivation is a 40 page custom report based on a person's individual response: do the online questionnaire; see a sample online report; see a sample pdf report.
  • Survey web visitors and use their individual response to guide them to specific pages in your web site eg sample questionnaire.
  • Use a web survey to sample web site visitors and collect market research on a new product eg sample questionnaire.
  • Discover customer support feedback with a regular poll of the customer service you provide.
  • Include a questionnaire in your newsletter to discover what your subscribers like, and their suggestions.
  • Create an anonymous employee survey to discover what your employees really thinks about your organisation.
  • Survey your professional organisation's members to discover their needs and ideas. Then challenge them with the results.
  • and lots more.